Why offcook?

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lazy - Home Camping

Koohveisi Trading Company has more than 20 years of experience in the field of mountaineering and rescue equipment. Due to the nature of mountaineering and activities in the open environment, a person should work for a long time in natural environments (mountains, caves, inaccessible areas, deserts, seas, etc.) away from any amenities and food preparation. These activities require access to healthy, light food with sufficient energy as follows:
- Healthy food with maximum nutritional value and vitamins, such as homemade food
- Long shelf life without the use of preservatives (30 to 50 years) only by removing moisture and oxygen
- Possibility of permanent use as everyday food (unlike ready-made and canned foods)
- Easy preparation by just adding water
- No need for cooking equipment and fuel
- Light weight of the product and no need for metal cans to preserve the product
- Absence of the danger of butalism poison that exists in ready-made and canned foods
With these products, you can work in the desired environment for a long time, for example, the weight of three complete meals for one person in a month is about 6 kg, which can make this food the most ideal option for working in nature. , emergency situations, etc.

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